Let’s Talk About Media Consolidation: the Impact of Mergers on Media Libraries

Watch an informal conversation on current merger developments, the implications for media libraries , and what next possible steps Video Trust, FMRT and others can take to advocate for greater and more affordable institutional access.


Redux: Summer Happy Hour Edition

We gathered last fall to discuss best practices and increasing demand for streaming video amidst the pandemic. This summer we’re inviting you back for an informal, summer-themed gathering and discussion revisiting those same topics. So get your flip-flops on, bring your cataloger, acquisitions and e-resources colleagues, and take a break with us to check in on how we are all managing our workloads. And don’t forget to upload your summer vacation zoom backgrounds!


A Critical Look at Disney, Historical to Present Day

Disney is always on the radar of media librarians, with its gargantuan archive of family-friendly programming, animation, and the acquisitions of Marvel, Lucasfilm, and other media properties. How did it get this way, and what is Disney’s track record in the past for providing access to work to which it holds the rights? Disney has changed as its empire has evolved and grown into a media behemoth. We will explore Disney’s history and stories of copyright battles in this webinar.


Online Watch Parties, Twitch and Legal Concerns

The online watch-party has entered the lexicon since the beginning of the Covid pandemic. With several choices and approaches available to groups of viewers, we will explore each service and particularly about the platform Twitch, commonly used by video gamers for sharing live-streams of their play. What are the legal concerns with group video-viewing, and what should we as librarians know about the possibilities of broadcasting video using these platforms?


Film Pedagogy Redux: Teaching with Film, All the Best Practices

Instructors have been teaching with film and using films in the classroom since the days of rattling film projectors. Now that digital video is ubiquitous and easier than ever to set up when instructors prepare to teach, there are many creative ways to make use of film, both in the classroom and out. What are some classic ways to engage students with relevant video to meet pedagogical ends, as well as some new, creative ways that we are now seeing more frequently in the online learning environment? Join us to discuss teaching with film, and what works and what doesn't.


Streaming in Secret: What's the "Exception" to the Rule

Film clips, face-to-face teaching, online courses, password-protected embedded videos, and screen sharing...which of these scenarios make you feel like you must conduct “secret streaming”? There’s no need to be nervous! Join us for this digital summit that will explore the use of streaming video in higher education classrooms and libraries. Through examples, case studies, and a dialogue centered around these issues we will explore options for providing access to video for scholars, including licensing, permission, and legal exceptions like Section 108 of the Copyright Act or Fair Use.


Screaming for Streaming Part II: Proactive Video Reserves, Ways to Work With Instructors

Librarians are familiar with the annual scrambles each summer and winter to make available films on reserve for course use, usually in the form of streaming licenses. The requests come in waves before the beginning of the semester and can inundate media librarians and library support staff. What procedures and workflow do librarians have in place to address these regular patterns, and how can we work with instructors to address their needs proactively, so that we can supply films in a timely fashion?


I Can't Find This Title Anywhere!

This webinar will offer some tips and tricks on best practices in locating films, both DVDs and streaming access. Media librarians have been playing this game for a very long time, and we will offer some insight on steps to take in order to help you find that film. There are multiple ways to come at this; and the combined wisdom of this panel will leave you with some tools that can help make your life easier.


Feeling Good About Film and Video With Elena and Issac


Screaming for Streaming: How to Save Your Budget When All Everyone Wants is Streaming

The demand for streaming video among instructors and patrons has skyrocketed in the last few years, with patrons largely unaware of the costs of licensing streaming content. Both faculty and students are less likely to agree to make use of collections of physical media like DVDs, and some classrooms on college and university campuses today no longer include DVD players. How do we prioritize and restrict streaming purchases, while continuing to respond to purchase requests and providing support to instructors who need access to films used in teaching? How do we educate students and instructors about the difference in costs between digital streaming licenses and one-time purchases of media for our physical collections?


Academic Libraries Responses to the Pandemic — Followup Session

America's colleges and universities are recovering from a nationwide disruption, and librarians who manage media have been at the center of the turmoil. It's been too much to cover in one or two sessions — budgeting, streaming rights, reopening logistics, and more. Join us for part three of an open and free-wheeling discussion to share productive and practical solutions.


INDUSTRY INSIDER: How Film Distribution Works, Part One: Acquisitions

Ever wanted to know how film distributors work? Inside each company is a fascinating decision-machine that calculates the revenue of every potential acquisition and designs a unique marketing strategy to maximize its potential. How do distributors know which films will be hits, and how does the educational and library market figure into their plans? Join us for a revealing discussion that'll increase your knowledge of the economics of film.


INDUSTRY INSIDER: How Film Distribution Works, Part One: Acquisitions

Ever wanted to know how film distributors work? Inside each company is a fascinating decision-machine that calculates the revenue of every potential acquisition and designs a unique marketing strategy to maximize its potential. How do distributors know which films will be hits, and how does the educational and library market figure into their plans? Join us for a revealing discussion that'll increase your knowledge of the economics of film.


Starter Guide To Streaming for Librarians


Academic Libraries' Responses to the Pandemic


Public Libraries' Responses to the Pandemic


K-12 Libraries' Responses to the Pandemic


Library Responses to the Pandemic


Digitizing Media at your Library


Entertainment Law & Order: Consumer streaming and libraries


Professional Development - Improving Patron-Driven Acquisition