Join the Video Trust Board. Make a difference.
Lead it.
Serving on the Video Trust Board enables you to take an important leadership role in the community. All board members serve on, or provide leadership for, a variety of committees that provide value for membership, offer insightful thought leadership, and foster vibrant engagement.
Build it.
Being on the Video Trust Board is more than a regular meeting of the minds. It’s about building programs and advancing ideas that are designed to make a difference. Whether it’s our webinars, conference, magazine or other initiatives, we roll up our sleeves to make it happen.
Solve it.
On the Video Trust Board, the work is about supporting our community to find creative solutions. We know that we’re working in a complex and evolving environment that requires listening to a variety of needs and voices. That means reaching out and working together to find new opportunities.
What inspires, drives and guides us forward.
On the Video Trust Board, we are inspired by a belief in the power of film and video to tell stories and enrich lives. And we are united in our commitment to help everyone learn from this important part of humanity’s cultural record. Our mission is to educate library professionals on best practices in visual media acquisition, usage, preservation and access—and advocate on their behalf with producers and distributors. In the performance of our work, we are guided by a set of Bylaws that outline our duties and responsibilities.